How To Become A Social Media Zen Master
Interview with CEO of The Marketing Zen Group, Shama Hyder
Shama Hyder is a visionary strategist for the digital age, a web and TV personality, a bestselling author, and the award-winning CEO of The Marketing Zen Group – a global online marketing and digital PR company.
She has aptly been dubbed the “Zen Master of Marketing” by Entrepreneur Magazine and the “Millennial Master of the Universe” by Shama has also been honored at both the White House and The United Nations as one of the top 100 young entrepreneurs in the country.
Shama is currently promoting her new book, Momentum, and expanding her empire with Jared Skinner of MADE Architecture.
To learn more about Shama you can visit her website,, or follow any of her very active social media channels.
Are you a social media pro? Wish you could leverage your online presence for 'real-world' opportunities? Today we talked about millennials, tech mindfulness, managing a cross-generational team, and lessons learned from building her award-winning social media marketing group.
Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a pioneer of a brand new space, build a social media marketing empire and manage a team of 30+ people? In today’s expert academy interview, we talk about how social media has changed the face of communication, what are the necessary skills for success in 2018, and much more!
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"Communication has become more important than ever before, it is not a soft skill any more. In a world where algorithms and computers are doing so much of the hard work, communication becomes paramount...someone has to be able to take that, explain it, and make sense of it. Things like creativity and communication, these things that we've considered soft skills for so long, are really going to be the paramount skills in the future."
CEO, The Marketing Zen Group
Wanna Skip Ahead? That's Totally Fine...
1:45... Who is Shama Hyder?
2:40... How did you start in the social media field?
4:40... Biggest challenges of starting your own business
6:45... Any social media platforms that you didn't expect to be successful?
8:40... How do you keep in touch with a growing network?
10:10... What's it like managing a cross generational workplace?
12:50... How much time do you spend consuming vs. producing content?
14:00... How has communication changed through social media
15:30... Top skills for success in 2018
19:00... Do you have a mentor/coach?
19:30... Toughest lessons you've learned while building your business
20:45... Big wins in your career [Forbes 30 under 30]
22:40... What's it like giving a keynote speech at your Alma Mater
24:45... Favorite books...Blue Ocean Strategy
25:45... If you could have a conversation with anyone...
26:40... What's new with Shama and her team, [New book -
27:20... Best way to connect with Shama...FB/LinkedIn/Instagram
28:00... Final words of wisdom

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