Lessons From America's #1 Success Coach
Interview with Success Coach & NYT Best Selling Author, Marshall Goldsmith

Marshall Goldsmith is an executive business educator and leadership success coach. He has written multiple NYT #1 best-selling books on business success and management and has helped hundreds of top performing CEOs create productive, results-driven work environments.
Marshall is currently the Thinker's 50, "Most Influential Leadership Thinker" in the world and has been recognized by Fast Company, INC Magazine, Forbes, and more as the world's leading executive coach.
What does every successful CEO, athlete, & movie star have in common? They all have a coach. Today I spoke with America's #1 success coach, Marshall Goldsmith about what it takes to be a leader.
To learn more about Marshall you can visit his website, MarshallGoldsmith.com or follow any of his very active social media channels.
In this exceptional interview we discuss the factors that make a great leader, why everyone needs a strategic partnerships, and why you don't always have to be right. He shared some of his success stories, what it's like working with CEOs of the largest companies in the world, and why everyone needs to slow down.
The final 10 minutes of this interview are absolute gold and clearly show why this man is a living legend when it comes to business and success leadership.
Turn the phone on airplane mode, turn off the TV, & pay attention because you won't want to miss a minute of this riveting interview.
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America's #1 Success Coach & Best Selling Author
Wanna Skip Ahead? That's Totally Fine...
2:10... Who is Marshall Goldsmith?
3:30... The importance of teamwork & Marshall’s “Daily Questions”
4:30...Why everyone needs a coach
5:00... How Marshall started in leadership development
6:20... Coaching the real life “Gordon Gekko” from 0.1% to 53.7% approval rating in one year
8:30… The 3 Factors that make an exceptional leader
10:30...How knowledge workers are changing the hierarchy of corporate America
11:10... The importance of influencing up to senior management
13:50... How Marshall’s coaching process works
15:10... Why everyone needs a network, alliances, & strategic partnerships
16:40... How to handle difficult conversations
19:20... Why you don't always have to be right, lessons from Alan Mually (former Pres. Ford Motor Co.)
22:05... Marshall’s 100 Aspiring Coaches program. Why he’s teaching students everything he knows for free
25:30... Who is an inspiration to you?
26:47... Book recommendations [Old Path, White Clouds, What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, Triggers, The Leadership Challenge, Hesselbein on Leadership]
27:45... What is the process like to write 36 books?
30:00... If you could have a conversation with anyone...
31:00... Marshall’s best coaching advice ever...

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