How To Design A Physical Space That Feels Authentic
Interview with architect and MADE Design Co-Founder, Jared Skinner
Jared Skinner is an award-winning architectural designer. Jared won the coveted opportunity to study at the renowned UA Rome Center in Rome, Italy. His travel to different parts of the world – the Middle East, Latin America, and Europe – has been a key influence in his artistic and professional development.
Have you ever walked into a store and it just felt right. The look, the feel, the merchandise, even the smell came together to create a seamless brand experience?
Millennials are seeking experiential activities more than ever before and as changes come to retail and physical spaces, one company, MADE Designs, co-founded by Jared Skinner and Shama Hyder look to create architecture built for the 21st century consumer.
To learn more about Jared you can visit his website, MADE.Design, or follow any of his very active social media channels.
Jared received his Bachelor of Architecture (BArch) from the University of Arkansas. While there, he also won the coveted opportunity to study at the renowned UA Rome Center in Rome, Italy.
MADE understands today’s consumers. Millennials, Gen Z, whatever you want to call the next generation. They know they want spaces that are more than livable and workable. They want interactive and well-designed environments that are engaging. And MADE knows how to communicate and create that for them.
In this interview we discuss what it takes to start your own design and architectural company and how to create physical spaces that mirror and enhance a brand's vision. It was a blast speaking with Jared and we're excited to see where this company goes in the future!
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"Interactive and experiential pop-ups and stores are what millennials are looking for. It's about giving them an experience they won't find in a typical big-box store. They want to experience more than pulling something off the rack and buying it."
MADE Design Co-Founder
Wanna Skip Ahead? That's Totally Fine...
1:35...Who is Jared Skinner?
3:30... How did you discover your passion for architecture?
5:05... What MADE stands for and the story behind the brand
6:35... The mindset to leave a steady job and build your own business
8:00... Top skills for success in 2018
9:40... Biggest communication bottlenecks when running your own business
12:00... Favorite projects you've completed
12:40... How has networking helped you to grow your client list?
14:20... How are your design spaces formed for millennials?
16:10... How to create a physical space that feels authentic
18:00... What projects are in the pipeline?
18:45... Website:, Instagram: @made.arch
19:20... Who is an inspiration to you?
20:15... If you could have a conversation with anyone
21:00... Favorite book recommendations [Tools of Titans, Dwell Magazine,,]
22:30... Final words of wisdom

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