How To Quickly Build A Massive Network With $0
Interview with Instagram Influencer, Coach, & Author Joe Duncan

Joe Duncan is the founder of before5am & Impact Billions, and has one of the most engaged followings on Instagram.
An original Instagram Influencer, his digital reach is well over a million people. Today he uses the power of social media to share his passions and expertise with the world and help people to build the life they want to live.
In the interview, we discuss the importance of personal branding, creating an online identity, how to leverage your network for good, and the importance of paying it forward.
Joe is a wealth of information and his "you can do it" mentality is simply contagious.
You can find out more about Joe and purchase his Success Blueprint by visiting his site
How can someone use their online network for real life opportunities? What are the top skills necessary for success in today's fast paced world? Why are motivation and inspiration considered the modern day drug? Discover the answers to all these questions and more in this entertaining interview.
Finally, you can jump to your favorite sections of the interview by clicking the timestamps below. Enjoy :)
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Our #1 duty when it comes to professional endeavours is to have a personal brand. To put yourself out there and for people to know who you are and what you're about. Without that, you'll never get anywhere. Anyone who's been successful in any realm has a network.
Entrepreneur, Author, Influencer, & Speaker
Wanna Skip Ahead? That's Totally Fine...
1:33... Who is Joe Duncan?
2:45... Joe found his passion for helping others
4:45... Joe's top 3 skill for success today
7:00... What was the inspiration for
9:15... Why it's important to focus on personal branding
11:20... Online network vs. real life network
13:30... What is more powerful? Your network or your money?
17:20... How can you put yourself in the spotlight & grow your network?
19:55... Gain your advantage: Pitching vs. adding value
20:36... Joe explains his "Blueprint for Success"
22:15... How to find out more about Joe Duncan, IG: @iamjoeduncan, @before5am
24:15... The modern day drugs: Motivation & Inspiration
25:00... Who is an inspiration to you?
26:00... Book recommendations: Purple Cow, Seth Godin... The 10X Rule, Grant Cardone
27:00... If you could have a conversation with anyone...

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